Schools Resources
This is Croydon Secondary School Toolkit
Curriculum-linked lesson plans and ideas for showcasing the work of your students. Each lesson includes a warm-up activity or discussion, a This is Croydon stimulus and class plans with worksheets to inspire your class to think, feel and get creative. Core subjects: Music, Art, English, Design, History, PSHE.
This is Croydon Primary School Toolkit
Curriculum-linked lesson plans and ideas for showcasing the work of your pupils. Designed for Key Stage 2, the pack is flexible to adapt for Key Stage 1. Each lesson include a warm-up activity or discussion, a This is Croydon stimulus and class plans with worksheets to inspire your class to think, feel and get creative. Core subjects: Music, Art, English, Design, History, PSHE.
This is Croydon Drama: Secondary Devised-Drama Workshop Plan
This workshop plan uses Shaniqua Benjamin’s Oratorio of Hope poem to inspire students to devise their own scenes to express what Croydon means to them. With key-word definitions, class instructions, and embedded video stimulus.
Early Years: Music & Movement Resources
Visit the CMA website for videos of songs suitable for early years settings: English Folk, South Asian, West Africa and Jamaican. Videos have easy-to-learn words and movements. Additional supporting resources are coming soon. With thanks to: Hounslow Music Service, Croydon Music and Arts, and the English Folk Dance and Song Society.