Natural Heritage Project micro-grants now open

Micro Grant applications

We welcome applications from individuals or organisations from across Croydon with a particular focus on green spaces in the Borough. You can apply for a grant of between £200 to £2,000. However, we encourage small grant applicants and expect the average grant to be around £500.

The activity must:

  • Be centred around a public-facing event
  • Take place within the London Borough of Croydon
  • Be delivered between July 2023 and the end of March 2024
  • Be free for attendees and participants
  • Engage local people to learn about and enjoy their green spaces
  • Work alongside our external evaluator to gather feedback from participants
  • The grant fund is separated into four regions which are:
    • North Croydon
    • Central Croydon
    • East and South East Croydon
    • West and South West Croydon

Grants will be judged by panels made up of local stakeholders and community members from each region. For any questions about the grant process, please contact Moa Taylor Hodin, Heritage Engagement Manager at Stanley Arts via The application deadline is 11.59pm on Sunday 28th May 2023. Applicants should expect to hear the outcome of their application in mid-June 2023.

Please click this link to submit your application.

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