
The Battle of Redcanyon Slings

9th - 10th Jun 2023 - SAVVY Theatre Fairfield Halls Park Lane Croydon CR9 1DG

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SAVVY Theatre

The Battle of Redcanyon Slings

Meet Jenny & Sally, the Raingirl sisters who have answered the call to deal with the Hole-in-the-Boot gang, a band of nasty men who have been working their way across the wild-west, terrorising small towns. Can their gun-slinging skills really deal with the problem, which goes beyond the menacing gang, to include corrupt Sheriffs, an ineffectual Mayor and a cat that sees all?

Meet Jack

Jack loves writing and has complex backstories for all of his characters. He has been involved in many SAVVY shows including panto, re-imagined Grimms fairytales and Shakespeare. This is the first opportunity Jack has had to develop a story of his own into a piece of theatre.

Find out more

Centre Stage is a Theatre Creation programme working with d/Deaf and disabled artists and is open to SAVVY members and the wider community.

The main aims of the programme are to:

  • develop the voice of people who identify as d/Deaf and disabled, as artists and storytellers
  • provide a platform to explore experiences, develop stories, increase skills and an understanding of theatrical conventions
  • showcase work-in-progress via ‘scratch nights’ with the potential of developing pieces into a more fully realised production

#savvytheatre #fairfieldhalls #croydon #centrestage


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