
From Pub to Pulpit to Club

23rd Jun 2023 , 7:30pm - Croydon Minster; The White Hut Studios and other locations in the borough.

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From Pub to Pulpit to Dancehall

From Pub to Pulpit to Club is a unique and exciting project

The From Pub to Pulpit concert features acapella folk group Broomdasher; instrumental trio Coracle; the Minster organ; a choir and the whole audience who sing at the top of their voices.

It’s the only tour marking Surrey’s own Vaughan Williams and his 150th birthday this year and has been picked as a “Highlight of the Birthday Year” by The Times; The Guardian; The Daily Telegraph; Gramophone; Folking, Songlines and The Living Tradition Folk magazines.

Vaughan Williams was a well-known collector of folk songs, and borrowed folk song tunes he collected from labourers around the country for the tunes of some of the best hymns in the 1906 English Hymnal he edited.

You’ll be part of that musical journey, starting with the folk song, going through dance tune variations and climaxing with everyone raising the roof with the hymns: they include To Be a Pilgrim, and I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, transformed from the folk songs Our Captain Calls and The Murder of Maria Marten.

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