
Dance Festival Croydon – Shoestring Theatre

9th Sep 2023 - Shoestring Theatre

Photo credit: Mario-Arturo-Martinez

Jose Agudo Dance Company

by raindesign | Aug 21, 2023 | DFC Performances 2023, Shoestring Theatre Performances 2023

Drawing inspiration from Joseph Campbell’s iconic work “The Hero’s Journey,” this personal and introspective dance piece invites audiences to witness a profound exploration of self-discovery.

Jose Agudo Dance Company

by raindesign | Aug 21, 2023 | DFC Performances 2023, Shoestring Theatre Performances 2023

Rooted in the Sanskrit word for “discovery,” the performance follows the transformative voyage of an artist unncovering the art form of kathak.

Belinda Roy and Pallavi Anand

by raindesign | Aug 21, 2023 | DFC Performances 2023, Shoestring Theatre Performances 2023

“Between the poles of the conscious and the unconscious, there has the mind made a swing; Thereon hang all beings and all worlds, and that swing never ceases its sway”. Kabir Das

Nandita Shankardass, Mithun Gill and Preetha Narayanan

by raindesign | Aug 21, 2023 | DFC Performances 2023, Shoestring Theatre Performances 2023

This work explores expressions of individuality, the dynamics of partnership and the support and comfort we can offer each other, when we are close and even through the distance when we are far from each other.

Shreya Vadnerkar

by raindesign | Aug 21, 2023 | DFC Performances 2023, Shoestring Theatre Performances 2023

“So like, were you from?” – How many times have you heard that one? Have you ever felt stereotyped, boxed in or labelled? Never Indian enough, nor western enough. But what happens when we remove these labels?

Shriya Sharma

by raindesign | Aug 21, 2023 | DFC Performances 2023, Shoestring Theatre Performances 2023

The dichotomy of Western upbringing & Asian heritage. The music and the dance. What can be found in the intersection between these two worlds?

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