
Architecture in Croydon & Burgundy

12th Oct - 25th Nov 2023 - Riff Raffs Bar, 28 George Street, Croydon CR0 1PB

photo of the old Croydon School of Arts with modular tower block in the background.

Community Event

Riff Raffs Bar will be showing Peter G Ball’s photographs of Central Croydon and an abandoned factory in France.  He came to photography later in life starting seven years ago and this is his first solo exhibition covering work from three of his projects.

Firstly, modern architecture in Central Croydon, shot during February & March 2023 in the early evening when it’s dark but the lights are on and the leaves are off the trees.

HMRC in Croydon
HM Revenue & Customs, 2 Ruskin Square, Croydon. Architects shedkm, 2016. Photograph ©Peter G Ball 2023

Then an abandoned hardboard factory in France which raises both social and environmental concerns.  Burgundy is not all vineyards and World Heritage sites – visit its darker side.  Peter shot this in the summers of 2022 and 2023.

Photo of an abandoned hardboard factory in Saint-Usage
Abandoned hardboard factory, Saint-Usage, Burgundy, France. Photograph ©Peter G Ball 2022.

Finally Enclave: Croydon, the new black and white sky scraper.  At 158 meters tall this is, for the time being, the tallest modular building in the world.  The build-to-let apartment block, opposite East Croydon Station, is impossible to ignore.  Architecturally and visually this is certainly the most interesting large scale development in Central Croydon for many years.  These black and white photographs were shot in September 2023.

Photo of Enclave in Croydon
Enclave:Croydon – Architects: HTA Design, 2023. Photograph ©Peter G Ball 2023.

Peter shoots digital, mirrorless, handheld (not on a tripod) using whatever ambient light is available.  These are all  single shots, not composite images.  He adjusts  the dynamic range, contrast and perspective, always editing by hand and never using filters.  Peter’s editing is to some extent computationally assisted (for example correcting perspective) but certainly not AI.  To be clear: all his work is photographic, not drawings, nor paintings.

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