Culture Croydon Symposium 2
Posted Friday 2 February 2024

Join this follow up meeting to share the progress of the working group exploring a potential interim structure for Croydon’s arts and cultural community in 2024.
As Croydon’s mantle as the current London Borough of Culture comes to an end this spring, we are all asking what happens next? How do we build on the amazing work of 2023/24?
If organisations in the borough want to continue to work together, what might that model look like? What already exists and how do we work together whilst also stand apart to ensure funding and longevity?
Following the success of Symposium 1, Culture Croydon are following up with Symposium 2 where you are invited to listen, share and participate in the findings of the temporary working group who will be presenting their thoughts on an interim structure/model for 2024 to allow the Culture Croydon network to continue to evolve.
- Location: Stanley Hall
- Date: Feb 29
- Time: 1:30 pm till 5:30 pm