Croydon Loves You
Posted Tuesday 13 February 2024

The results are in! 12 organisations and community groups have received Croydon Loves You microgrants, see who they are
Croydon Loves You, and to prove it, here are the 12 brilliant organisations and community groups who have been awarded microgrants as part of the scheme. Look out over the coming weeks to hear more about their plans and how you can get involved, but we can promise, they will all help you feel good.
Whether it’s learning to woodwork or to dance, creating a moodboard or a play, hanging out in a culture cafe or walking in nature, each of these groups are helping prove just how much Croydon loves you – yes you.
- A Little History of the Sikhs £975
- Age UK £500
- Autistic Community Hub CIC £1200
- East Croydon Cool £800
- Kerala Cultural and Welfare Association £600
- Music Relief Foundation £444
- New Addington Community Creative Writing Group £985
- Norbury Green Residents Association £1200
- Reaching Higher £1100
- St Francis’ Church, Monks Hill £915
- SLiDE £900
- Surrey Hills Arts £300*
(projects with an asterisk are awaiting final confirmation)